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TamaraConda's Home Page

Tamara was banished from her home in Uzbekistan by her own parents and sent to live with distant relatives

in America at the age of 18 since, under an archaic tradition in her rural mountainous hometown, when 2

women seek marriage of the same man they must fight for him. Fighting for the man her family had chosen

for her to marry, the naive Tamara lost and was sent away to live with cold-hearted relatives who forced her

to work long hours at menial jobs in deplorable living conditions. But Tamara somehow eventually found a

way to live "the American dream" by marrying a loving man and starting a family. Over time however her

husband turned out to a different man than she thought he was, requiring her to, once again, fight for survival.

So please enjoy ..... TAMARA!


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Visitors since December 30, 2019
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